Por Esto! Epaper

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Information about Por Esto! Newspaper

Publisher: Félix Palavicini and Emilio Rabasa
Language: Spanish
Newspaper Link: http://www.poresto.net/
Published from : Yucatán

Por Esto! Online Newspaper

Por Esto! is a daily Mexican newspaper headquartered in Mérida, Yucatán. It has offices in Cancún, Quintana Roo, and several bureaus. It largely covers the Mexican states of Yucatán, Campeche, and Quintana Roo, giving it significant circulation. In 1997, a series of investigative articles implicated Roberto Hernandez Ramirez, then the general-director of Mexican bank Banamex, as a narcotrafficker. Both Por Esto and Narco News were unsuccessfully sued for libel.